Friday, February 24, 2012

Their use begins early in ancient greece.

Anabolic steroids. General Information on Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids represent a synthetic form of the hormone testosterone. Steroids are commonly used for the main goal - the goal to stimulate muscle growth and bone. There are different kinds of anabolic steroids. There will be a lot of combinations of anabolic androgenic and features. First discovered anabolic steroids were in the 1930s in Germany.section 40-2 the immune system During the study observed stimulation of appetite, maintain bones, muscles, sexual maturity and strength increase with anabolic steroids buy lasix 40 mg. And steroid use helps to achieve successful results in treating cancer and AIDS patients. In addition, steroids increase muscle and bone mass and protein synthesis. Of course, like any medicine, anabolic steroids with the rest of the - side effects. Side effects are different for each product. For some drugs and some patients may be more lenient for others they may be a little stronger. To understand better anabolic steroids, we must look at its history. Their use begins early in Ancient Greece. As we all know that Greece was among the first countries to contribute to the gladiatorial fights as a sport and entertainment. It is believed that they used natural substances that support the anabolic and androgenic effects. Over the years this knowledge has not yet joined us essential, but knowledge helps scientists were today, just say in 1930, when steroids were the first in Germany. Scientists looking for ways to improve the ability of their athletes, but there were many contradictions in their studies. In 1990, anabolic steroids were included in the list of controlled substances in many countries like USA and others.

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